The Associated Broadcasting Company Pvt Ltd (ABCL) is one of the fastest growing media companies in India today. We started with a 24-hour news channel (TV9 AP) in Andhra Pradesh in 2004, and quickly became a ratings leader there with our unique brand of bold and fearless journalism. In just four years we’ve added seven more channels to our bouquet, each a major player in its métier:
TV9 Karnataka– the first news channel in Kannada, and a runaway TRP topper
TV9 Gujarati – the only Gujarati news channel, and a resounding success
TV1: niche channel in telugu devoted to Entertainment and News.
News9 (English) – a happening channel for our most happening city
TV9 Marathi – our stake in the financial capital
That will make ABCL a truly pan-Indian broadcaster located in every major metropolis in the country, and articulating the concerns of India’s millions in the language most accessible to them.
App is compatible with 2G & 3G networks and uses cutting edge technology to enable Adaptive bit rates enabling smooth delivery of live TV on smart phones. Works on Android 4.0 and above.
• Watch your favorite TV9 Marathi News Live with embedded “Live TV”.
• Smooth on 2G/3G/Wifi networks.
• App is free to use.
• 24x7 Marathi News at your fingertips
美联社广播公司私人有限公司(ABCL)是当今发展最快的媒体公司在印度的一个。我们开始在安得拉邦的24小时新闻频道(TV9 AP)于2004年,并迅速成为了收视的领导者有我们独特的品牌大胆无畏的新闻。在短短的四年中,我们已经添加了七点多渠道,我们的花束,每个在其行当所的主要参与者:
TV9 Karnataka-在埃纳德语第一新闻频道,和失控TRP礼帽
TV9古吉拉特 - 唯一的古吉拉特语新闻频道,并取得圆满成功
News9(英文) - 我们最热闹的城市发生通道
TV9马拉 - 我们在金融资本的股权
应用是2G和3G网络,并使用最先进的技术,使自适应比特率使智能手机上顺利分娩的直播电视兼容。适用于Android 4.0及以上。
•平滑的2G / 3G / WiFi网络。